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témoignage et recommandation d’une jeune fille au pair en Australie

témoignage et recommandation d’une jeune fille au pair en Australie

Voici le témoignage de la jeune fille au pair de la  famille De Frombelle en Australie. les coordonnées de cette jeune fille sont disponibles sur demande

Oct 23, 2010.

J’ai choisi de partir  « Au Pair en Australie », car avoir la possibilité de vivre quelques mois dans ce pays que l’on connait si peu est une chance incroyable!
Partir loin de France et de sa famille, c’est partir à l’aventure, découvrir une culture, une langue, des personnes différentes. A Canberra,  il y a beaucoup de choses à faire et à découvrir.

J’ai été accueillie merveilleusement  par Paul et Félicity qui sont aujourd’hui comme une seconde famille pour moi! Soucieux de mon bien-être et prêt à tout pour rendre mon séjour riche en expériences et pour m’aider à progresser en anglais.  Grâce à eux,  j’ai pu me créer un petit cercle d’ami(es), et j’ai eu la possibilité de créer un groupe sur le site Facebook pour retrouver les différentes « au pair » qui ont choisi comme moi de partir à Canberra.
La maison est très agréable,confortable et bien située. Je mis sens pour ma part vraiment comme chez moi!

Si tu aimes les animaux, tu trouveras dans le jardin toute sorte de perroquets magnifiques, les kangourous of course c’est incroyable,tu changes vraiment de cadre de vie,et c’est un luxe que tu ne trouvera peut etre pas dans les autres villes d’Australie!!

Les enfants, Eric (10 mois) et Arnaud (2 ans) sont deux petits anges, je n’ai jamais eu de difficultés avec eux, toujours partants pour jouer, sortir, se promener (dépaysement total assuré!)… Deux petites bouilles qu’il va m’être difficile de quitter !!
Ce sont également deux gros dormeurs!! ce qui te permet d’avoir un peu de temps libre l’après-midi !!

Canberra est une ville que j’aime beaucoup, le centre commercial « Woden » (à 5 min de la maison) est formidable, tu pourras y découvrir des magasins en tout genre, cinémas, restaurants…. c’est vraiment très grand et tu peux tout y trouver !
Canberra n’est pas loin de Sydney environ 3 heures de route et le tarif pour s’y rendre en bus est, en plus, très raisonnable (30 Dol allé/retour) si tu t’y prends tôt, ce qui te permet d’en profiter le week-end!

Je recommande donc Paul, Félicity, Arnaud et Eric à toutes les filles qui souhaitent revenir avec pleins de bons souvenirs d’Australie, et  faire des progrès en anglais. Je compte bien vivre à fond cette expérience formidable  jusqu’en Février !
Je suis disponible pour répondre plus précisément à vos questions

Je vous souhaite bonne chance pour vos démarches.

Emmanuelle M

au pair position in Australia

au pair position in Australia

Here are the profiles of 3 families looking for an au pair to start asap or early 2011. Please contact us via our contact page on www.theenglishcorner.fr if you are interested.

1. Family Jones: start date around 23/1/11

3 children – a little girl aged 1yr & 2 months, a boy 3.5yrs, a boy 5yrs. Children will be attending school from 9am – 3pm. Will need to drive to and pick up-from school. Give afternoon tea and look after them in afternoon. Hours approx 53 per week. Pay +-$330 pw. Looking for someone that is positive, energetic, kind, creative, responsible and not a party goer.

2. Family de Fombelle: start date around 14/2/11

2 children – 2 boys aged 2yrs 4months & 1 yr. Full care of two boys during day. Hours approx 40 hours p.w. Pay +-250p.w. Looking for calm and confident person – who loves children is outgoing and can drive a manual car is neat & tidy.

3. Family  Martin, to start asap, either short term or long term

Mother has just had 3rd baby a little girl.

3 children girl of 4yrs, boy of 2yrd and baby girl a week. Looking after the older children driving to and from kindergarten and childcare, swimming lessons, ballet, getting children ready , preparing breakfast and  lunches for children. Tidying & clean up  after children. Hours 30 per week. Pay $200 per week. Looking for someone that speaks a good English, is  responsible, caring, enthusiastic & fun. Able to look after 2  busy & small children. Driver & non smoker

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Jeune fille au pair en Australie

Jeune fille au pair en Australie

Voici le profil de quelques familles cherchant une jeune fille au pair pour 2011, si vous êtes intéressée par l’une  de ces familles, contactez nous pour monter un dossier via notre formulaire de contact sur www.theenglishcorner.fr

1. Family Jones: start date around 23/1/11

3 children – a little girl aged 1yr & 2 months, a boy 3.5yrs, a boy 5yrs. Children will be attending school from 9am – 3pm. Will need to drive to and pick up-from school. Give afternoon tea and look after them in afternoon. Hours approx 53 per week. Pay +-$330 pw. Looking for someone that is positive, energetic, kind, creative, responsible and not a party goer.

2. Family de Fombelle: start date around 14/2/11

2 children – 2 boys aged 2yrs 4months & 1 yr. Full care of two boys during day. Hours approx 40 hours p.w. Pay +-250p.w. Looking for calm and confident person – who loves children is outgoing and can drive a manual car is neat & tidy.

3. Family  Martin, to start asap, either short term or long term

Mother has just had 3rd baby a little girl.

3 children girl of 4yrs, boy of 2yrd and baby girl a week. Looking after the older children driving to and from kindergarten and childcare, swimming lessons, ballet, getting children ready , preparing breakfast and  lunches for children. Tidying & clean up  after children. Hours 30 per week. Pay $200 per week. Looking for someone that speaks a good English, is  responsible, caring, enthusiastic & fun. Able to look after 2  busy & small children. Driver & non smoker

Please find below some families who are in need for an au pair fr 2011, please contact us through our contact page www.theenglishcorner.fr if you are interested in one of these families.
Families in Northern Ireland:
JOANNE MC KE and her husband have a restaurant in Belfast City and they have a 3 year old boy and are expecting a new baby in Jan 2011.  They live in a nice suburb of Belfast which is now a fantastic city to live in – several large Universities here and large young population.  Driver not essential…  Au pair MUST have child care experience of some sort. Would take an au pair for
3 to 6 months and offer £90 for 5 days. Nice young couple who live in a nice neighbourhood.  Needed early JAN 2011.
TALITHA LEA and her husband and 5 year old, live in the large town of LURGAN in northern Ireland – this is a built up suburb near the city of ARMAGH.   Driver needed of 21 years or more… New baby expected at end of Feb.  Would like a nice child friendly au pair who would stay with them for a year if possible.  Mrs Leathen is from Brazil and also speaks Portuguese.  short working day of 5 hours and offer £70 for 25 hours per week.  Start in end of Jan/Feb 2011.
Families in the Irish Republic.
MARIE MAL and her husband and 2 children aged 5 years and 10 months live in County GALWAY only 8 kms from the CITY CENTRE….GALWAY is the 3rd largest cities in Ireland and is full of younr people…. Driver not needed..but au pair with child care skills is essential – father works in Ambulance and mother is a nurse – need aupair to work 4 long days with 3 day off – offer E 80 per week to start early JANUARY 2011.
LEONA PENand her husband and 2 children aged 2 years and 5 months need a reliable au pair to care for 2 children in their home
which is within commuting distance of Dublin but in the countryside.  They live near KILCOCK and the University town of MAYNOOTH
in County Kildare and Dublin can be reached by local train or bus within 50 minutes…Both parents work so they need a reliable au pair who has reasonable English to look after their children. …prefer au pair to be 21 years plus… Grandparents live in the next house and they have lots of horses and riding would be allowed during free time.  Au pair Plus offer E 150 for 35 hours. EARLY JANUARY 2011

Jeune fille au pair en Irlande

Jeune fille au pair en Irlande

Voici quelques familles recherchant une jeune fille au pair pour début 2011. Si vous êtes intéressée, merci de nous contacter par le biais de notre contact page sur www.theenglishcorner.fr
Families in Northern Ireland:
JOANNE MC KE and her husband have a restaurant in Belfast City and they have a 3 year old boy and are expecting a new baby in Jan 2011.  They live in a nice suburb of Belfast which is now a fantastic city to live in – several large Universities here and large young population.  Driver not essential…  Au pair MUST have child care experience of some sort. Would take an au pair for
3 to 6 months and offer £90 for 5 days. Nice young couple who live in a nice neighbourhood.  Needed early JAN 2011.
TALITHA LEA and her husband and 5 year old, live in the large town of LURGAN in northern Ireland – this is a built up suburb near the city of ARMAGH.   Driver needed of 21 years or more… New baby expected at end of Feb.  Would like a nice child friendly au pair who would stay with them for a year if possible.  Mrs Leathen is from Brazil and also speaks Portuguese.  short working day of 5 hours and offer £70 for 25 hours per week.  Start in end of Jan/Feb 2011.
Families in the Irish Republic.
MARIE MAL and her husband and 2 children aged 5 years and 10 months live in County GALWAY only 8 kms from the CITY CENTRE….GALWAY is the 3rd largest cities in Ireland and is full of younr people…. Driver not needed..but au pair with child care skills is essential – father works in Ambulance and mother is a nurse – need aupair to work 4 long days with 3 day off – offer E 80 per week to start early JANUARY 2011.
LEONA PEN and her husband and 2 children aged 2 years and 5 months need a reliable au pair to care for 2 children in their home
which is within commuting distance of Dublin but in the countryside.  They live near KILCOCK and the University town of MAYNOOTH
in County Kildare and Dublin can be reached by local train or bus within 50 minutes…Both parents work so they need a reliable au pair who has reasonable English to look after their children. …prefer au pair to be 21 years plus… Grandparents live in the next house and they have lots of horses and riding would be allowed during free time.  Au pair Plus offer E 150 for 35 hours. EARLY JANUARY 2011

au pair position in the UK

au pair position in the UK

Here is aa au pair job offer, if you are interested please contact us via our contact page on www.theenglishcorner.fr

Family Macintosh:

  • 2 parents, white, Canadian + British, professional
  • Mum at home, Dad works in London
  • 3 children aged 10, 8, 6
  • No pets
  • cleaner and gardener
  • indoor swimming pool
  • looking for an au pair+ or Mother’s Help – VERY GOOD STANDARD
  • Accept male or female
  • Very good English only
  • Driver
  • Non-smoker
  • Hours flexible
  • Pay to be confirmed
  • To start ASAP 6-12 months (they prefer 12 months)
  • Age 21+ (preferably older)
au pair position in Oxfordshire

au pair position in Oxfordshire

Voici une offre de poste au pair si vous êtes intéressée merci de nous contacter par le biais de la page contact de notre site internet www.theenglishcorner.fr

Family Macintosh:
  • 2 parents, white, Canadian + British, professional
  • Mum at home, Dad works in London
  • 3 children aged 10, 8, 6
  • No pets
  • cleaner and gardener
  • indoor swimming pool
  • looking for an au pair+ or Mother’s Help – VERY GOOD STANDARD
  • Accept male or female
  • Very good English only
  • Driver
  • Non-smoker
  • Hours flexible
  • Pay to be confirmed
  • To start ASAP 6-12 months (they prefer 12 months)
  • Age 21+ (preferably older)
au pair needed asap

au pair needed asap

Please find below a new offer in London. If you are interested please contact us via our contact page on www.theenglishcorner.fr

Earls Court, London

A super lovely au pair required for a super nice family with a 5 years old girl. They need someone Mon to Fri from 9pm until 9am. The parents only work nights so they need someone to be in the house from 9pm when they live for work until the morning, to get the little one ready for school and take her to school. The au pair will do just tidying up (very very light housework). No pets. Non driver. Someone with good English and reliable. Au pair will have off during the day and also at the weekend. Accommodation: own lovely room, internet access etc.

Salary: £100 net per week. Start: ASAP. Ref: MGKEISHA

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Nouvelle offre au pair

Nouvelle offre au pair

Voici une offre au pair, si vous êtes intéressée merci de nous contacter par le biais de notre formulaire de contact sur www.theenglishcorner.fr

Earls Court, London

A super lovely au pair required for a super nice family with a 5 years old girl. They need someone Mon to Fri from 9pm until 9am. The parents only work nights so they need someone to be in the house from 9pm when they live for work until the morning, to get the little one ready for school and take her to school. The au pair will do just tidying up (very very light housework). No pets. Non driver. Someone with good English and reliable. Au pair will have off during the day and also at the weekend. Accommodation: own lovely room, internet access etc.

Salary: £100 net per week. Start: ASAP. Ref: MGKEISHA

Le site de The English Corner fait peau neuve!

Le site de The English Corner fait peau neuve!

The English Corner évolue

Après quelques mois de vie, nous avons choisi de faire évoluer notre site The English Corner.

Pour ceux qui nous découvrent aujourd’hui, je vais en deux mots expliquer notre raison d’être.

The English Corner est une association ayant la vocation de développer l’apprentissage de l’anglais. Nous sommes implantés à Vienne en Isère (à une trentaine de kilomètres de Lyon).

Nous proposons des formules à destination des personnes de 18 ans et plus. Si vous souhaitez partir au pair, chercher un stage en Angleterre, découvrir le bénévolat dans un pays d’Afrique, suivre des cours… Visitez notre nouveau site pour découvrir la formule qui vous intéresse!

Et surtout , si vous avez des interrogations, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter en utilisant le formulaire de contact.

Quelques mots sur le changement d’ergonomie que connaît aujourd’hui le site: nous avons choisi de donner un look plus moderne à notre site, plus en accord avec ce que nous proposons. Nous sommes avant tout un organisme de formation en Anglais, cela n’était pas très visible au premier coup d’œil…

Techniquement le thème est une adaptation d’une création de Wp Themes que nous remercions pour cette réalisation.

Thème : Overlay par Kaira.
Bat. Apollo, 30 av. Gal Leclerc 38200 Vienne