Jeune fille au pair en Australie

The ENGLISH CORNER > What’s up… > Non classé > Jeune fille au pair en Australie

Voici le profil de quelques familles cherchant une jeune fille au pair pour 2011, si vous êtes intéressée par l’une  de ces familles, contactez nous pour monter un dossier via notre formulaire de contact sur

1. Family Jones: start date around 23/1/11

3 children – a little girl aged 1yr & 2 months, a boy 3.5yrs, a boy 5yrs. Children will be attending school from 9am – 3pm. Will need to drive to and pick up-from school. Give afternoon tea and look after them in afternoon. Hours approx 53 per week. Pay +-$330 pw. Looking for someone that is positive, energetic, kind, creative, responsible and not a party goer.

2. Family de Fombelle: start date around 14/2/11

2 children – 2 boys aged 2yrs 4months & 1 yr. Full care of two boys during day. Hours approx 40 hours p.w. Pay +-250p.w. Looking for calm and confident person – who loves children is outgoing and can drive a manual car is neat & tidy.

3. Family  Martin, to start asap, either short term or long term

Mother has just had 3rd baby a little girl.

3 children girl of 4yrs, boy of 2yrd and baby girl a week. Looking after the older children driving to and from kindergarten and childcare, swimming lessons, ballet, getting children ready , preparing breakfast and  lunches for children. Tidying & clean up  after children. Hours 30 per week. Pay $200 per week. Looking for someone that speaks a good English, is  responsible, caring, enthusiastic & fun. Able to look after 2  busy & small children. Driver & non smoker

Thème : Superposition par Kaira.
Bat. Apollo, 30 av. Gal Leclerc 38200 Vienne