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Mother’s help job for Scottish family

Mother’s help job for Scottish family

If you are keen on the job below please contact us via our contact page on our website www.theenglishcorner.fr

Sayemiwo family

Dundee, Scotland (next to the North Sea)

A very friendly family is looking for a Mother’s help with possibly previous childcare experience.

The children are 8years old girl and a 1 year and 2 months old boy. The older child is attending full time school and the little boy will be at home with the Mothers help.

Working hours are 5 days, 45hours a week. Normally it is from Monday to Friday, however the Mother works as a nurse so flexibility is needed as her shifts are sometimes over the weekend.

In that case the mothers help will be free during the week.

They need someone over 20 years, with a very kind, helpful and flexible character.

Minimum conversational level of English needed.

Start date: end of February / beginning of March

Famille en Ecosse cherche aide familiale

Famille en Ecosse cherche aide familiale

Si vous êtes intéressée par ce poste, merci de nous contacter par le biais de notre page contact de notre site internet www.theenglishcorner.fr

Sayemiwo family

Dundee, Scotland (next to the North Sea)

A very friendly family is looking for a Mother’s help with possibly previous childcare experience.

The children are 8years old girl and a 1 year and 2 months old boy. The older child is attending full time school and the little boy will be at home with the Mothers help.

Working hours are 5 days, 45hours a week. Normally it is from Monday to Friday, however the Mother works as a nurse so flexibility is needed as her shifts are sometimes over the weekend.

In that case the mothers help will be free during the week.

They need someone over 20 years, with a very kind, helpful and flexible character.

Minimum conversational level of English needed.

Start date: end of February / beginning of March

Companion needed UK

Companion needed UK

If you are interested in the position below, please contact us via our contact page on www.theenglishcorner.fr

Margaret D – Au pair/ Companion (Live in – separate accommodation) experienced driver and communicative English essential for a friendly and independent elderly lady aged 88 years old.  She lives near High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire (45 minutes by car from Oxford).  This is an exceptionally nice and easy job for 18 hours per week, ideal for a kind individual with an appreciation of the arts.  She is looking for someone who would be willing to go shopping with her, read and play games, and accompany her to concerts, the ballet and opera and can push her in her wheelchair (she is handicapped and can’t walk but is not an invalid and doesn’t need a carer or nursing as she can look after herself).  Other duties include keeping her little house reasonably clean and tidy:  Light cleaning, stacking/unstacking the dishwasher, dusting & sweeping, a little bit of washing and ironing.  Salary: £75 for 18 hours work per week to include own self contained flat provided nearby in High Wycombe plus use of car (all flat, car expenses including petrol and English classes paid for).  The au pair can also have another job on the side providing it doesn’t impact her main job.  The lady is a qualified English teacher and former diplomat’s wife. START DATE:  ASAP for 6-12 months

Companion needed UK

Companion needed UK

If you are interested in the position below, please contact us via our contact page on www.theenglishcorner.fr

Margaret D – Au pair/ Companion (Live in – separate accommodation) experienced driver and communicative English essential for a friendly and independent elderly lady aged 88 years old.  She lives near High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire (45 minutes by car from Oxford).  This is an exceptionally nice and easy job for 18 hours per week, ideal for a kind individual with an appreciation of the arts.  She is looking for someone who would be willing to go shopping with her, read and play games, and accompany her to concerts, the ballet and opera and can push her in her wheelchair (she is handicapped and can’t walk but is not an invalid and doesn’t need a carer or nursing as she can look after herself).  Other duties include keeping her little house reasonably clean and tidy:  Light cleaning, stacking/unstacking the dishwasher, dusting & sweeping, a little bit of washing and ironing.  Salary: £75 for 18 hours work per week to include own self contained flat provided nearby in High Wycombe plus use of car (all flat, car expenses including petrol and English classes paid for).  The au pair can also have another job on the side providing it doesn’t impact her main job.  The lady is a qualified English teacher and former diplomat’s wife. START DATE:  ASAP for 6-12 months

témoignage stage ressources humaines Irlande

témoignage stage ressources humaines Irlande

Bonjour Sandrine,

Je tenais à remercier votre agence pour le stage que vous m’avez trouvé, car c’est un excellent stage. Les salariés de l’entreprise sont très accueillants et enclins à aider à n’importe quel moment s’ils le peuvent.
De plus, l’équipe Ressources Humaines me confie des missions importantes et m’intègre dans tous les projets, j’ai vraiment l’impression d’être une partie de l’entreprise.
Merci encore.

Danielle J

Offre de stage

Offre de stage

Voici une proposition de stage en Irlande, si vous êtes intéressé merci de nous contacter part le formulaire de contact sur www.theenglishcorner.fr

Job Description and Responsibilities

Established in 2008, the company has rapidly
established itself as the de facto community and training provider to
the digital marketing sector. The Company was
founded by a digital marketing professional FOR digital marketing
professionals.  The focus of all the training is completely on Digital
& Online Marketing, with courses ranging from Diploma (available in a
12 week Part Time option or a 12 Week Full Time Boot Camp option)
through to ½ Day introductory courses on various topics including SEO,
Pay per Click, Google Analytics, Email Marketing and WordPress. The
the Company has rapidly developed a reputation for
teaching quality and offers flexible and innovative learning
opportunities that reflect the constantly changing digital marketing

The responsibilities:
Assisting with the admin associated with running our courses
Assisting with Online and Offline Marketing Campaigns.
Facebook, Twitter, Bloggiing, SEO.
Marketing Research
Assistance with general sales activities.

Free Attendance on part of the Diploma Course in Digital Marketing
plus Advanced Training Courses in Digital Marketing

Selection de familles sur l’Australie et la Nouvelle Zélande

Selection de familles sur l’Australie et la Nouvelle Zélande


Si vous êtes intéressée par une de ces familles, merci de nous contacter via notre page contact de notre site internet www.theenglishcorner.fr afin que l’on vous aide à monter un dossier d’inscription.

1 December 2010  & January 2011 onwards placements
2 FAMILY NAME Arrival /start date Aupair requirments /info Area For how long # of kids Ages Hours d/license $ pwk
3 # Australian families
4 1 Boulton LATE JANUARY            22/01/2011 Assist Mom with care of children as father will be posted in sydney for teh year and away during the week. Before & after school care of children, take to & pick up from school. Preparing breakfast, afternoon tea. Assist with laundry & keeping house tidy.Needs to be friendly outgoing, honest, reliable, responsible attentive. good if sporty, artistic, musical. Non smoker & driver Hughes, Canberra 6 months 2 8yr & 7 yrs 35 yes $ 240.00
5 2 de Fombelle FRENCH APPLICANT ONLY EARLY FEBRUARY        2/02/2010 Wants French applicant only. Must have toddler and baby experiencecare of two children, help with meal preperation & light cleaning. Must be neat & tidy person. Calm, confident, outgoing, happy and love children. Must drive, non smoker Curtin, Canberra 6 months 2 22mnths, 8 mnths 40 yes $ 250.00
6 3 Dedic-Hagan MID MARCH                  14/3/11 Would Like older girl (20 upwards) good experience with toddlers. Must speak good english. Childminding, taking to and from activities, assist with meal prep, bathing bedtime. Light house duties, laundry, tidying up. Responsible & loving towards children, sense of fun and creativity. Wants to be part of family. Out going & sporty. Non smoker & driver Viewbank, Melbourne 8-10months 2 4yrs, 2yrs 35 yes $ 200.00
7 4 Hamilton EARLY JANUARY    ASAP would  likeolder gilr (20 upwards) .Solo Childcare 2 days when mom works, assisting on other days. Meals preperation and bathing light household work. Have sense of humor, be confidant down to earth, flexible, sporty. Non smoker & driver Tatyoon, Western Victoria.  32km South of Ararat, large regional town. Live on Farm. Vehicle available for private use 6 months 2 3.5yrs, 2 yrs 45 yes $ 260.00
8 5 Jones WOULD LIKE FRENCH APPLICANT, but open to others – CURRENTLY INTERVIEWING APP LATE JANURAY 23/01/2011 would prefer French applicant as lives close to de Fombelle family.   Would like a practising christian if possible. Look after 3 kids take chilren to school and activities. Prepare their meals, children’s laundry, tyding up and vacum play area. Be friendly reliable and  positive, need lots of energy, be sporty. , Driver & non smoker Rivett, Canberra 6 months 3 1yr, 5yrs, 3.5yrs 53 yes $ 330.00
9 6 Luckock DECEMBER/EARLY JANAURY ASAP Must have baby experience and love children. Childminding, doing activities, going for walks, stimulating children. Light housework, some cooking meals. Must be practical & responsible, active & motivated, easy goin,g friendly. Non smoker & driver Gatum, Victoria. Next to Hamilton town.  REGIONAL TOWN. Farm lifestyle 3.5 hrs from melbourne good public trasport. Number of aupairs in region 6 months 2 boys 4yrs & 8 months 35-40 yes $ 230.00
10 7 Mirabella Would like German applicant – BUT OPEN TO OTHERS MID JANUARY 15/01/2011 Like German applicant. Must have under 2 and toddler experience. Must be good driver as some long distance driving involved. Will have good opportunity to travel  as Host mom is a  politician.   Live on Farm on outer suburbs of city.  Enjoy outdoors and be sporty. someone bright & intellegent. Non smoker & driver Farm on outer suburbs of large Regional Town Wangaratta, East Victoria 6 months 3 13yrs,  2.5yr, 6months 50 yes $300
11 8 Nichols BEGINING MARCH 1/03/2011 Look at Male and Female Aupair. Looking  after children. Taking to and from childcare, supervision of children activites. Light house duties tidying up, laundry, dishwasher, vacuuming. Would suit someone that is happy to live on farm and likes horses. Optional to get involved with farm actitivies. Must be honest, trustworthy, reliable have good sense of humour , hardworking and  easygoing. sporty,  outdoors. non smoker Driver Farm on outer suburbs of REGIONAL Country town, Dunkeld, Victoria 6 -12 months 2 4yr,1yr 30-35 yes $250
12 9 Wilson BEGINING JANUARY  4/1/11 Must  have under two and toddler experience. Fulltime care of children during the day – activities in home and  out of home, pick up & drop offs, meal prep. Light housework around children. Outgoing person , have knowledge of doing activities with children to keep them stimulated and active. non smoker & driver Wangaratta Victoria. Large regional town 6 months 2 3.5yrs, 1yrs 45 yes $270
16 # NZ families
17 1 Tangney LATE JANAURY       24/01/2011 WILL LOOK AT FEMALE OR MALE  AUPAIR. Mom going back to work as nurse- shift work. Assist with looking after children taking to & fetching from school/Kindergarten.  Meals, light household work. Outgoing, flexible, like outdoors & active Kinloch,Taupo. Live on lake in outer suburbs to taupo 10 month 2 7yr & 4 yr 20 variable yes $120
témoignage Clara jeune fille au pair en Irlande

témoignage Clara jeune fille au pair en Irlande

Bonsoir Sandrine,

Juste pour vous dire que je suis bien arrivée chez la famille Fry,les enfants sont adorables ainsi que leur maman.
Je vous remercie beaucoup

J’ai passé un test aujourd’hui à l’école de Dublin, donc je vais m’y inscrire, je vous remercie.
Tout se passe très bien, je commence à comprendre pas mal de choses.
je vous remercie

The joy of statistics

The joy of statistics

Indicateurs Stigliz - Insee - Niveau de vie

Hans Rosling est un professeur d’université. Bien que sa formation initiale soit plutôt dans le domaine médical, il s’est spécialisé dans la vulgarisation statistique. Hans Rosling révolutionne la manière de présenter les statistiques socio-démographiques. Bien que suédois par nationalité, son accent très « old oxfordien » est très facile à comprendre. Malgré ce léger côté « old fashion » ses présentations sont de vrais show dans lesquelles les chiffres trouvent vie.

C’est en tous cas un très bon exercice pour travailler sa compréhension orale.

Ce film de 4 minutes nous présente, sur près de deux siècles, l’évolution conjuguée de l’espérance de vie à la naissance et du niveau de revenu…

Thème : Overlay par Kaira.
Bat. Apollo, 30 av. Gal Leclerc 38200 Vienne