au pair pour famille à Oxford, septembre 2010

The ENGLISH CORNER > What’s up… > Au pair > au pair pour famille à Oxford, septembre 2010

Famille américaine avec deux enfants cherche jeune fille au pair à raison de 35 heures par semaine pour £90/ semaine logée, nourrie, blanchie. Début du séjour septembre 2010

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La famille:

We are two American university professors who are going to spend a year in Oxford, UK, arriving in September. We have spent the two previous summers in London and are now coming to England for a full 12 months. We would love to find an au pair who will come to live with us and share in the experience!

Steve will be doing research and away most days; Sue will be working at home (on computer). We tend to be busy but not hectic.

Because we will be in Oxford as visitors ourselves, we will enjoy visiting places of interest in and around the area and will be happy for au pair to participate as much as she likes.

Our two boys, aged 4 and 6, will be in school and we will need the au pair to help take and collect them and also to do babysitting for us approximately twice per week in the evening.

Les enfants:





6 hrs at school

active, bright, verbal; loves trains, books, puzzles, stories





6 at nurrsery

Affectionate, cute; also loves trains, books, puzzles

Thème : Superposition par Kaira.
Bat. Apollo, 30 av. Gal Leclerc 38200 Vienne