Unpaid internships available in Ireland before Xmas

The ENGLISH CORNER > What’s up… > job > Unpaid internships available in Ireland before Xmas
4-5 interns in Programming/Software Development
3 interns in HR
4 interns in Finance
1 intern in Media (AV Production)
4 interns in General Office Assistance
1 intern in e-commerce
2 internships in Marketing
1 internship in Journalism
3 interns in hospitality (operational: food service, conference & banqueting, etc)
1 placement in Mechanical/Electronic Engineering (minimum 20 weeks) - very large
multi-national company, R&D for medical diagnostic equipment.

If you are interested in one of these positions, please e mail us through our contact page on www.theenglishcorner.fr. Please do read the general terms and conditions to apply before sending us an e mail. Thanks

Thème : Superposition par Kaira.
Bat. Apollo, 30 av. Gal Leclerc 38200 Vienne