Étiquette : internship

Placement update summer 2010

Placement update summer 2010

We have managed to place all our applicants (au pairs, interns and volunteers) for the summer season. Placing all our summer au pair was a real challenge and although the number of summer families has decreased due to the economic and financial situation we have succeeded in placing all our au pairs thanks to a tight and efficient partnership with our local agents. Thank you to all the applicants for your patience and understanding and I hope you will all have a safe and wonderful time abroad

Thank you to all our foreign agents who are doing a brilliant job!

The English Corner Team


placement update summer 2010

placement update summer 2010

We have managed to place all our applicants (au pairs, interns and volunteers) for the summer season. Placing all our summer au pair was a real challenge and although the number of summer families has decreased due to the economic and financial situation we have succeeded in placing all our au pairs thanks to a tight and efficient partnership with our local agents. Thank you to all the applicants for your patience and understanding and I hope you will all have a safe and wonderful time abroad

Thank you to all our foreign agents who are doing a brilliant job!

The English Corner Team


Internship in Great Britain – London

Internship in Great Britain – London

If you’re interested in this offer, please contact us on info_at_theenglishcorner.fr or download the application form on our website www.theenglishcorner.fr.

Work Placement Job Description Administrative Assistant

Working closely with administrators and assisting in the following areas:

Answering and making telephone calls as and when required. Giving general information about courses and logging all incoming telephone calls. Maintaining and updating School computer records as and when necessary. Inputting of new information on a weekly/daily basis as and when necessary.

Typing letters as and when required; confirming acceptance on courses before signature by School Administrator/Principal. Dealing with queries from the Home Office, confirming attendance on courses of study, relating to student records. Preparing School attendance letters and certificates for students who have completed their studies; ensuring a supply of standard information letters/leaflets/application forms are available for distribution as and when required.

3-Student enrolment
Providing prospective students/their representatives with application forms and enrolment tests, assisting students/their representatives with the completion of application forms when necessary, checking completed application forms, preparing receipts/timetables for new students under the instruction of School Administrator.

4-Collection of monies
Checking outstanding payments and collecting student fees, examination fees, book monies, social activities and Student Union card payments as and where due. Handing out slips for payment – for those students who pay instalmentally and following it up by calling them to the office if they do not come during the break.

5-Student Welfare
Noting and passing on all student queries/problems/matters for concern to the School Administrator. Ensuring that all new students have received a course/work book and welcome pack. Compiling the student welcome pack and ensuring that there are sufficient materials in stock and re-ordering where necessary. Making sure that the information on the Student Welfare Notice board is current and properly displayed. Bringing to the attention of the School Administrator any matters relating to student welfare.

6-Course materials
Carrying out stock checks on course/resource materials when required. Listing termly course/resource materials loaned to students/teachers, maintaining records of course materials sold/loaned to students/teachers.

7-Teacher Liaison
Logging and dealing where authorised/possible any general teachers’ queries. Coordinating procedures regarding the re-enrolment of students for the future term and liasing with teachers on information supplied or to be supplied by students for the current term.

8-Host Family Accommodation
Taking telephone enquiries and sending out relevant documents regarding prospective host families. Helping to ensure that Host Family / accommodation documents are kept up-to-date.

9-School premises
Helping to ensure an adequate supply of school prospectuses, posters, welcome packs, application forms and examination leaflets are displayed, where appropriate, in school. Liaising with teachers for the safe storage of teaching materials, ie cassette players, tapes, books etc. Helping to ensure the return of teaching materials by teachers and course materials by students to store. Checking classrooms have been left in order (bins emptied in all rooms including the toilets and staff room, windows shut), at the end of teaching sessions and school is securely shut, when necessary.

10-Office supplies/equipment
Helping to ensure adequate supplies of general school and exam stationery, forms, receipts, standard letters, prospectuses. Helping to ensure adequate supplies of miscellaneous school items: ie, tea, coffee, sugar, cups, toilet rolls; replacing the stock when necessary and arranging for further supplies of same. Informing the School Administrator if and when equipment needs to be serviced/repaired.

Liasing with teachers and students regarding information about Cambridge Examinations; passing information to teachers/students and external candidates on registration procedures, examination fees, dates and timetables. Collecting and recording payment of examination fees assisting with paperwork regarding examination registration; invigilating as and when required, assisting in the completion of documentation as an exam centre. Dealing with the despatch of results slips and certificates. Issuing practice exam materials to Crest students and recording the scores. Making sure that the information on the Exam Notice board is current and properly displayed.

12-Social activities
Helping with arrangements for school social activities, e.g. School coach trips/theatre visits, end of term/Xmas parties, as and when required. Issuing Student Union cards and dealing with necessary documentation. Making sure that the information on the Social Notice board is current and properly displayed. Bringing to the attention of the School Administrator any requests relating to student social activities.

Keeping all notice boards up-to-date and tidy. Assisting with all general office duties; filing, data input, clerical, telephoning and matters relating to the school and examinations and any other duties required by the School Administrator or Principal.

Dress code: Smart casual. No jeans.

stage en Grande Bretagne, administration- Londres

stage en Grande Bretagne, administration- Londres

Nous avons une proposition de stage dans une école de langue à Londres. Si vous êtes intéressé merci de nous contacter sur info_at_theenglishcorner.fr ou bien de préparer votre dossier de candidature en imprimant le formulaire directement de notre site internet www.theenglishcorner.fr

Work Placement Job Description Administrative Assistant

Working closely with administrators and assisting in the following areas:

Answering and making telephone calls as and when required. Giving general information about courses and logging all incoming telephone calls. Maintaining and updating School computer records as and when necessary. Inputting of new information on a weekly/daily basis as and when necessary.

Typing letters as and when required; confirming acceptance on courses before signature by School Administrator/Principal. Dealing with queries from the Home Office, confirming attendance on courses of study, relating to student records. Preparing School attendance letters and certificates for students who have completed their studies; ensuring a supply of standard information letters/leaflets/application forms are available for distribution as and when required.

3-Student enrolment
Providing prospective students/their representatives with application forms and enrolment tests, assisting students/their representatives with the completion of application forms when necessary, checking completed application forms, preparing receipts/timetables for new students under the instruction of School Administrator.

4-Collection of monies
Checking outstanding payments and collecting student fees, examination fees, book monies, social activities and Student Union card payments as and where due. Handing out slips for payment – for those students who pay instalmentally and following it up by calling them to the office if they do not come during the break.

5-Student Welfare
Noting and passing on all student queries/problems/matters for concern to the School Administrator. Ensuring that all new students have received a course/work book and welcome pack. Compiling the student welcome pack and ensuring that there are sufficient materials in stock and re-ordering where necessary. Making sure that the information on the Student Welfare Notice board is current and properly displayed. Bringing to the attention of the School Administrator any matters relating to student welfare.

6-Course materials
Carrying out stock checks on course/resource materials when required. Listing termly course/resource materials loaned to students/teachers, maintaining records of course materials sold/loaned to students/teachers.

7-Teacher Liaison
Logging and dealing where authorised/possible any general teachers’ queries. Coordinating procedures regarding the re-enrolment of students for the future term and liasing with teachers on information supplied or to be supplied by students for the current term.

8-Host Family Accommodation
Taking telephone enquiries and sending out relevant documents regarding prospective host families. Helping to ensure that Host Family / accommodation documents are kept up-to-date.

9-School premises
Helping to ensure an adequate supply of school prospectuses, posters, welcome packs, application forms and examination leaflets are displayed, where appropriate, in school. Liaising with teachers for the safe storage of teaching materials, ie cassette players, tapes, books etc. Helping to ensure the return of teaching materials by teachers and course materials by students to store. Checking classrooms have been left in order (bins emptied in all rooms including the toilets and staff room, windows shut), at the end of teaching sessions and school is securely shut, when necessary.

10-Office supplies/equipment
Helping to ensure adequate supplies of general school and exam stationery, forms, receipts, standard letters, prospectuses. Helping to ensure adequate supplies of miscellaneous school items: ie, tea, coffee, sugar, cups, toilet rolls; replacing the stock when necessary and arranging for further supplies of same. Informing the School Administrator if and when equipment needs to be serviced/repaired.

Liasing with teachers and students regarding information about Cambridge Examinations; passing information to teachers/students and external candidates on registration procedures, examination fees, dates and timetables. Collecting and recording payment of examination fees assisting with paperwork regarding examination registration; invigilating as and when required, assisting in the completion of documentation as an exam centre. Dealing with the despatch of results slips and certificates. Issuing practice exam materials to Crest students and recording the scores. Making sure that the information on the Exam Notice board is current and properly displayed.

12-Social activities
Helping with arrangements for school social activities, e.g. School coach trips/theatre visits, end of term/Xmas parties, as and when required. Issuing Student Union cards and dealing with necessary documentation. Making sure that the information on the Social Notice board is current and properly displayed. Bringing to the attention of the School Administrator any requests relating to student social activities.

Keeping all notice boards up-to-date and tidy. Assisting with all general office duties; filing, data input, clerical, telephoning and matters relating to the school and examinations and any other duties required by the School Administrator or Principal.

Dress code: Smart casual. No jeans.

stages en Grande Bretagne disponibles

stages en Grande Bretagne disponibles

Voici un exemple de stage disponible à l’heure actuelle:
We have another possible placement in London. They require somebody from the beginning/middle of May for about 6 months if possible.  Unfortunately they don’t have a budget to pay for accommodation expenses but will provide 370 euros per month towards travel/food.
The company is an international network of independent accountancy firms.
The placement is at their central office in London, where they carry out Internet based market research to find potential new members in countries where they don’t have any members.
This task will take a big part of the trainees time as well as carrying out many different marketing activities, in which he/she will also be involved such as writing and collection of news from their members to create the Newsletter, monitor the branding of all of them to make sure they comply and match our requirements, analyse competitors, maintain up to date database of members, regular communication and assistance with administration of conferences.
Nous avons aussi des demandes de stagiaires dans des hôtels- en réception principalement et services administratifs, conviendrait à des personnes cherchant une formation dans les langues, dans le tourisme, dans l’hôtellerie.
Ces stages sont conventionnés et vous devez faire une demande de bourse Leonardo Da Vinci
Thème : Superposition par Kaira.
Bat. Apollo, 30 av. Gal Leclerc 38200 Vienne