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English teacher wanted Vienne 38200 Nov 2014

English teacher wanted Vienne 38200 Nov 2014

We are recruting an extra teacher to come and join our team. Your job will be to take care of the Kids English classes on Wednesday and a few adult students in the evening. You should be an English native speaker, some experience a plus, you should be flexible, enthusiastic and reactive.
Apply by sending us an e mail via our contact page

cours en Irlande- retour d’une famille du comté de Kerry

cours en Irlande- retour d’une famille du comté de Kerry


Toute la famille reste subjuguée par ces vacances en Irlande.
Les cours ont bien porté leurs fruits.
Mes 2 grands se débrouillent très bien en 6ème et 5 ème.
Clémentine, qui a la chance d'avoir des cours d'anglais en CP, sait déjà construire des petites phrases affirmatives ou des questions pour peu qu'on lui apporte le vocabulaire des mots qu'elle ne connait pas.
Et Claire a réussi son passage devant le jury pour son habilitation. Elle va pouvoir enseigner l'anglais à ses CE2 / CM1.
stages et bourses de mobilité

stages et bourses de mobilité

En supplément des bourses de mobilité offertes par l’Europe telles que Leonardo ou Erasmus, les régions en France participent à l’effort de mobilité des étudiants français

Vous trouverez ci dessous un lien intéressant concernant les offres de bourse de la région Rhone Alpes notamment. Les demandeurs d’emploi, lycéens, apprentis ou étudiants peuvent bénéficier d’une bourse de mobilité alors contactez vos régions


témoignage d’une famille française en stage de langue dans l’ouest irlandais

témoignage d’une famille française en stage de langue dans l’ouest irlandais

Nous voila de retour de notre périple en Irlande!
Tout s’est merveilleusement bien passé : les enfants ont pu tirer profit au maximum de leur cours d’anglais; le B&B conseillé par votre organisme était absolument super à tous points de vue; tout était parfaitement organisé (navette de l’école en face du B&B, cours…) et pour ne rien gacher, le Kerry est un endroit magnifique.
Bref, je tenais à vous dire que nous sommes ravis et que je ne manquerai pas de vanter les avantages de cette formule!
Bonne fin de journée,
Sophie L and family

Familles à Londres, en date du 20/06/2012

Familles à Londres, en date du 20/06/2012

Voici une partie des familles disponibles sur Londres

Si vous êtes intéressée pour partir au pair, merci de nous contacter par le biais de notre page contact sur

Charlotte H and her family live in Wimbledon, the home of English tennis!   Charlotte works in a hospital as a consultant paediatrician and her husband works in management.  They are a British family, Anglican.  They live in a house with a garden where they have two rabbits.  Their sons will be 14 and 16 in the summer.  The older boy goes to and from school on his own so the job for the au pair is to take and collect the younger boy to school on foot.  Cooking a simple meal  for the boys after school, helping to keep the home clean and tidy, doing the children’s laundry, hoovering.   Generally 25 hours a week plus 2 evenings’ babysitting and the pocket-money is £70 a week plus £10 a week for travelling expenses in London.  Family interests are: tennis [naturally!], music, singing, trips into Central London, cycling and cooking.    They need an Au Pair to arrive in late-August/beginning of September and to  stay until the end of July 2012.


Susan L is a single parent living in North London [Southgate].  She has two sons age 10 and 9 and a cat.  Susan works full time as a new business director.   It is a regular 25 hours a week plus some babysitting [not a lot],  very light domestic jobs because a woman goes in to do the heavy cleaning every week.   They live in a house with a garden.  Pocket-money £70 a week plus free weekend travel in London.   Weekends free.    They would love to host an au pair who enjoys cooking.   To start at the beginning of September and to stay until the end of July 2013.


Simon W and Lizzie T live in a large house with a garden in Muswell Hill, a nice part of North London.  They are an English family, practising no religion.  Their children are Sam 15, Georgina 14 and Anna 12.  They have a rabbit and a hamster J    They employ a woman who does regular cleaning so there is not much housework, just generally to help to keep the home clean and tidy and to perhaps do some light shopping and unpack the food deliveries.    The main job for the au pair is to organise the children’s lives and cook them an evening meal  because both parents work full time.  Simon is in corporate finance and Lizzie is an employment lawyer.   25 hours a week plus 1 or 2 evenings’ “babysitting” and the pocket-money is £85 a week.  She will have her own bathroom.

To start in late-August/beginning of September and to stay until the end of July 2013.


Hilary M and Eamonn R live in a large house in Barnet, N. London with their two children Caelan [a boy] age 9 and Siofra [a girl] age nearly 8.  These are Irish names because Hilary and Eamonn came to London from Ireland many years ago.  Hilary works as a medical doctor and Eamonn is a journalist.   They both work full-time.   They are a Catholic family.   They have no pets.  Their au pair is responsible for getting the children ready for school in the morning and taking them to school.  Then to collect them and care for them after school until a parent returns home.   They also need help to keep the home clean and tidy [a woman goes regularly to the house to do the heavy cleaning].   They pay £80 a week plus travel expenses [in London] and a mobile phone.

familles au pair pour l’été encore disponibles

familles au pair pour l’été encore disponibles

Nous avons encore quelques familles disponibles pour cet été 2012, si vous souhaitez postuler merci de telecharger le dossier sur notre site internet ou bien nous envoyer une demande par e mail via la page contact de notre site

Voici un exemple de familles sur la Grande Bretagne

I have a new Summer family looking for an older French girl for the summer (end of June or start of July to start September).

This is a ‘special’ opportunity for an au pair to experience the traditional English country mansion for a summer (please see pictures on the details attached).

She wants age 21+, good or very good English, non-smoker.  Doesn’t need a driver, 1 small dog. Has cleaners.


White, British, professional – English Country House owners

  • Edge of town location – Wrexham
  • Near to cities of Liverpool and Chester
  • 3 children aged 6, 4 and 10 months – mum is at home full time with the children
  • 1 small dog
  • Needs an extra pair of hands for the summer with housework and the children – helping Mum
  • Has cleaners 2 x per week – so no big cleaning
  • Non-Driver
  • Non-smoker
  • Good-Fluent English
  • Age 21-27 is ideal
  • Early July to Early September (dates can be a little flexible)
  • 30-35 hours/£80 per week

·         Own self-contained flat (bedroom, bathroom, kitchen for making snacks and drinks when not on duty)

stages disponibles en Irlande sur Dublin et grandes villes d’Irlande

stages disponibles en Irlande sur Dublin et grandes villes d’Irlande

Nous avons un certain nombre de postes vacants pour des stages conventionnés ou non avec une grosses société de transport et logistique. Société à dimension internationale. Vous en trouverez ci dessous quelques exemples, mais nous avons une cinquantaine d’autres offres à pourvoir

Vous pouvez postuler en imprimant la fiche d’inscription sur notre site internet ou en nous contactant via notre page contact

1- We would like to offer an internship in our Roadfreight/Logistics Department based in Dublin, starting 16th July for 6 months. Details are as follows;

Position: Assistant to Freight Forwarders


  • Looking after two key accounts
  • Organising deliveries
  • Arranging daily manifests for transport
  • Putting together backup for sales invoices
  • Assisting with sales and purchase queries
  • Invoicing customers
  • Accruing charges on our accounts system
  • Passing supplier invoices & credit notes

Hours of Work: Monday to Friday – 9am to 5.30pm

As part of the placement agreement, the company offers an allowance (not deemed to

be a salary) to help towards travel & expenses throughout the students stay in Ireland. The amount

offered is €650 per month or €150 per week paid on a monthly basis.



2- We would like to offer an internship in our Shannon Branch in Seafreight starting beginning 20th August 2012 for 6 months. Details are as follows;

Position: Operations Assistant


  • Liaising with customers on shipment arrivals and departures
  • Organising deliveries and collections to customers and follow-up with transportation.
  • Checking daily with shipping lines on transit schedules
  • Updating information on CIEL computer operating system
  • Handling Customs formalities
  • Customer and Warehouse reporting
  • Accruing charges on our accounts system
  • Registering supplier invoices & credit notes
  • General administration

Hours of Work: Monday to Friday – 9am to 5.30pm

As part of the placement agreement, the company offers an allowance (not deemed to

be a salary) to help towards travel & expenses throughout the students stay in Ireland. The amount

offered is €650 per month (€150 per week for a part month) paid on a monthly basis.



3- we would like to offer an internship in our Cork Seafreight Department based in Imports and/or Exports depending on current requirements for 6 months from 8th October 2012. Details are as follows;

Initial Duties

  • This will be a requirement throughout the whole internship in these departments;
  • Dealing with Supplier Accounts
  • General Administration
  • Understanding of Bill of Lading, regulatory documents etc.
  • Supporting on documentation scanning
  • Updating information on CIEL operations system
  • Liaising wit shipping lines on transit schedules
  • Working on our accounts system
  • Customer and Warehouse reporting

Chance of progression

After the initial 3mths if the internship is progressing to a more than satisfactory level the manager

  • Understanding of Customs Clearance
  • Understanding of Markets and Rates
  • Trade Imbalance
  • Understanding of Port Operations

Hours of Work: Monday to Friday – 9am to 5.30pm


As part of the placement agreement, the company offer san allowance (not deemed to

be a salary) to help towards travel & expenses throughout the students stay in Ireland. The amount

offered is €650 per month or €150 per week paid on a monthly basis.



4- we would like to offer an internship in our Customer Solutions Department based in Dublin from 1st October 2012 for 6 months. Details are as follows;

Position: Customer Solutions Assistant

Initial Duties

This will be a requirement throughout the whole internship in the department;

  • Statistical Reporting
  • Vlog (Sales Management System) meeting updates
  • Vlog (Sales Management System) Opportunity updates
  • Pharmaceutical development statistics
  • General sales development statistics
  • RFQ printing etc
  • Cold calls/data gathering
  • Case studies updates
  • Monthly vertical updates for sales
  • QBR templates
  • Customer Projects
  • General – Customer solutions

Hours of Work: Monday to Friday – 9am to 5.30pm

As part of the placement agreement, the company offers an allowance (not deemed to

be a salary) to help towards travel & expenses throughout the students stay in Ireland. The amount

offered is €650 per month or €150 per week paid on a monthly basis.



témoignage d’une de nos familles d’accueil

témoignage d’une de nos familles d’accueil

Hi Sandrine,


I hope that you are keeping well.


I have had such a lovely report from the family about Rachel that I want to share it with you.   I have cut and pasted it below…..


“Hi Maggie,
Thank you for your message. I wanted to wait until I had a moment to respond in full.


Rachel is absolutely amazing and we feel so blessed that you found her for us!!! She has become a real part of our family. You were right when you said that age does not have a lot to do with maturity. Rachel is such a mature 18 year old that I often forget how young she is.


Rachel is such a lovely girl with a sunny and upbeat disposition. She is a joy to have around. From the moment she arrived she has been enthusiastic about being here, learning English, making friends, discovering London. She shares that enthusiasm with the kids and when she has the opportunity, she takes them to museums or exciting places. She takes my youngest to the swimming pool — all her own idea.


The children have grown very attached. We are all dreading the end of her stay. She is incredibly warm and loving toward the children in a very natural way. She helps my eldest with piano (she is accomplished herself) and is very able to jump in with homework help or coming up with crafts for them to do. She is extremely helpful around the house, always asking what she can do to help.


I believe we have found a very good balance of living together and yet maintaining some privacy and independence. In any case, when Rachel is around we never mind because she is so lovely. She partakes in some family meals with us (we usually only have one in the week anyway — on Friday night) but seems content to eat on her own in the week. Weekends she is always out and about but we manage to stay connected and have good chats about her plans.


She did find a Chinese class at Morley college but dropped after about a month as the teacher sounded disappointing. She said she was happy to find the book that went with the course and now she practises on her own.


Rachel is a very special girl and we feel so lucky to have this year to get to know her. I feel so lucky to have her support with the kids, especially as they adore her and I trust her. It will be a sad day when she leaves but I hope she takes away from this experience lots of good memories and an excellent command of English (which I help her with whenever possible).


Thanks, Maggie. All the best,


Postes au pair janvier 2012, offres possibles

Postes au pair janvier 2012, offres possibles


Vous trouverez ci dessous un échantillon de familles disponibles cherchant une jeune fille au pair dans les semaines à venir, si vous êtes intéressée merci de bien vouloir nous contacter par le biais de notre page contact  ou bien nous passer un petit coup de fil pour que l’on vous envoie un dossier d’inscription


W4, Stamford Brook – London-Wants a French speaking aupair ONLY
Lovely au pair required for a super nice family with a 3 years old boy. He is in school 9am to 12 and also two afternoons per week at the moment, but from September he will be going full time. Woking days and hours: Mon to Fri about 25h per week and some flexibility at the weekend (so if you can do couple of hours at the weekend, you will get more time off during the week, or similar). Non driver ok. They have a cat. They are looking for someone easygoing, happy, mature who enjoys conversation about good music, good food, culture, current affairs, etc. They would prefer a French speaker.
Salary: £100 net per week. Start: ASAP. Ref: VAC-10892 – E DE C

Aupair in SE London
Lovely family looking for an Aupair to take looking after two beautiful girl’s age is 5 and 2. They want someone with experience, preferably with driving license. Someone nice and smiley. They have two cats. Hour flexible, around 35 hours. They provide aupair with double bedroom and shared bathroom.
Salary:£90 maybe more for right candidate Start ASAP Ref 10881


Wimbledon, South London, SW15-Candidate MUST already be in the UK
A live in Junior nanny needed for super nice client. They are looking for a mature person for their 3 children aged 1, 3 and 5 years old. It will be a mix of sole charge and shared care, around 30h/week, with 1-2 nights of babysitting. Nursery duties only but a muck in attitude is desirable. Some travelled involved and a driver is preferred to help with pick-ups from school, activities or play dates. Any weekend work will be paid extra – they may occasionally ask you (in advance) to work on Saturday morning. They prefer someone with good English, so they can help with homework. Accommodation: The person will have a bright double en suite room. Any nationality welcome.
Salary: £200+ /per week   Start: Mid/Late March   Ref no: 10887-CORR

West London-Any nationality
Single mum family with two children aged 3 and 5 boys is looking for a friendly Aupair. Driver is not essential. You will be working Monday-Friday 8 hours per day plus 2 nights of babysitting and sometimes a few hours every other weekend but not very often. You will have your own lovely  bedroom and shared bathroom. Aupair must be a non smoker.
Salary: £120 per week. ASAP for minimum 10 months. Ref: VAC-10879 -LUCINDA (replacement)


Aupair in SW15-Prefers Swedish aupair only
Friendly family is looking for an au pair to their 4 years old son and a baby due in March. Weekends are free but may be some babysitting. Duties are nursery duties such as take the child to the park organise activities, make sure his clothes are in order, picking up toys after playtime and prepare meals. Also some light housekeeping, light shopping will be requested. The family has a cleaner, so cleaning is not included. They also have a dog and a dog walker but occasionally they will ask the au pair to take the dog for a walk. Ideal candidate is 20yrs+, confident driver, organised, speaks good English and has some experience with children at this age. The family also has a summer house in Sweden so they would like to take the au pair with them in holidays.

Salary: £90-£120   Start: ASAP    Ref. 10873


Mothers help in NW10. You have to have good experienced and be in the UK already
A very nice family is looking for Mothers help with very good English and experience with children. This is a Live in position, taking care of two wonderful boy’s age 3.5 and 1 years old. 40 hours -per week. Driving licence not required.
Salary: £160-180  Start: ASAP  Ref 10874-LUCY



Aupair in Chiswick west London-German and Swedish nationalities preferred

Old client of us is looking for a new au-pair. This is a lovely position with one girl 10 years old. She is a happy and chatty child, so someone with good English would be suitable, any nationalities welcomed. As she is a single child it is very important to the family that she enjoys hanging out with you, and have fun with. Working hours would be: Mon – Fri 8.15–9/2.00–6.15 pm. You will have your own spacious room with your own shower room, TV/DVD player and laptop with wireless internet access. Chiswick is a lovely area with great shops, cafes, restaurants and parks. There are plenty of families with nannies and au-pairs in their area. We have placed 3 aupairs for the last 3 years with this family and they have all been very happy here. German and Swedish nationalities preferred

Salary: £80 per week plus £20 towards Oyster card. Start: April/ Easter time Ref 10867 Oona


Fulham, Central London-Start June 2012 only!!!!!
Live in or out Lovely German nanny/mothers help needed. One daughter, who is five. Goes to a very good independent girls’ school which is eight minutes away by foot. School drop-off is between 8.10 and 8.30 and pickup at 3. We are looking firstly for a live-in nanny, ideally German-speaking. We have a separate room with its own bathroom (not en suite but next door). If we can’t find a live-in who fits, then we would consider a live-out part-time nanny.  Ideally living in or near southwest London (we live near Parsons Green).  The hours would be 3-7/7.30: pickup after school and watch Julia, taking her to activities and/or play dates, and cooking her dinner most nights. On occasion I or my wife will be back in time for dinner, but we would expect the two of them to have dinner together most of the time.  If the nanny were able to take her to school in the morning also on some mornings, that would be fantastic, but we could that to be a desired extra, not a requirement. We had a fantastic part-time nanny who was with us for two years, and also did occasional babysitting.  She recommends it
Salary: GOOD. Start: June 2012. REF:SRMETZ



Buckinghamshire, SL1-We need someone very good with a lot of experience. Must have top English and drive very well
Mother’s help/ Junior nanny needed for a very loving family with a boy aged 7, girl aged 5, and another boy aged 2, so at least a year’s experience working with young children is vital. Mon-Fri but timings are to be discussed, which is why they need someone flexible, but the 7 daily inclusive hours would usually start at 8am and would end no later than 7pm. They would love to find someone who is happy to take sole charge of their 2 year old son for 1 or 2 days a week. Housework such as children’s washing, ironing and cooking will be required for the Mother’s help to do. They would also require some light housework to be done. They would like you to do 2 nights babysitting per week and anything more would be extra. They would ideally like someone who can do 3 Saturdays a month but this can be swapped with a weekday so you are still only working 5 days.
They are looking for a candidate who is energetic and enthusiastic as the family are very sporty and fun loving. There are other Au-pairs in the area so you are able to make friends. The family have a dog. Their home is surrounded by woodland and the famous Burnham Beeches. The Mother’s help will have a room on the top floor, with a TV, desk and PC in the room and their own bathroom which will need to be shared if there are guests. The Mother’s help will have full use of the children’s playroom in the evening which has a large sofa and Sky channels. The family are very approachable and down to earth and would love a Mother’s help who is happy to be in their home and part of their family. They would love a candidate who is helpful, uses initative and flexible. They need a DRIVER.
Salary: £250.00 depending on experience for 40-50 hrs. Start: ASAP. Ref: VAC – 10837 – LCCARO


Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire – 30 – 40 min away from London. Any nationality
Lovely family looking for a nice au pair for their 5 years old son who is in school full time. Parents work full time. Au pair to do 2h in the am and 3h in the afternoon, Mon to Fri. Sat and Sun off. Hours should be flexible but normally 25-30h per week, a bit more during school holidays so you have to be flexible. Duties: take son to and pick him up from school, light housework, (they have a cleaner once a week who does the heavy cleaning). Au pair will do some ironing for the family. Also help with homework, play with him, tidy his room etc. They need a driver. No pets. They had au pairs before. They live in small town with shops, restaurants, etc
Salary: £100 – £150 net per week depending one exp and duties. Start: ASAP. Ref: VAC-10877 PAUL


Dorset. We need more nice people for this lovely role as soon as possible. Must drive
Lovely family with a little girl aged 2.5 years old looking for an au pair plus to start ASAP. They need about 35-38h hours per week, Mon to Fri. The little one is in nursery 2 days per week. So you will have to look after her, play with her, and also do light housework duties. They have 3 dogs, 2 cats, chicken, geese and horses but you don’t need to help looking after the pets/ animals. It’s a rural location, it’s 10 min to the nearest town. You must be able to DRIVE.
Salary: £90 – £100. Start: ASAP. Ref: 10846 JESSICA

Aupair in Leigh-on-Sea
The Family is looking for help with my two younger children. They are two boys aged 7 and 9.  Thers is two older children but only one still lives at home.  He is 21.  Father often works away or is late getting home.Mum work as a nurse in a hospital doing 4 nights a week.She is looking for someone to live in who has their own room. Duties is to take care of the children during mum night shifts.
Salary: Good   Start: September  2012 Ref  10889



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Thème : Superposition par Kaira.
Bat. Apollo, 30 av. Gal Leclerc 38200 Vienne