Please find below some families who are in need for an au pair fr 2011, please contact us through our contact page if you are interested in one of these families.
Families in Northern Ireland:
JOANNE MC KE and her husband have a restaurant in Belfast City and they have a 3 year old boy and are expecting a new baby in Jan 2011.  They live in a nice suburb of Belfast which is now a fantastic city to live in – several large Universities here and large young population.  Driver not essential…  Au pair MUST have child care experience of some sort. Would take an au pair for
3 to 6 months and offer £90 for 5 days. Nice young couple who live in a nice neighbourhood.  Needed early JAN 2011.
TALITHA LEA and her husband and 5 year old, live in the large town of LURGAN in northern Ireland – this is a built up suburb near the city of ARMAGH.   Driver needed of 21 years or more… New baby expected at end of Feb.  Would like a nice child friendly au pair who would stay with them for a year if possible.  Mrs Leathen is from Brazil and also speaks Portuguese.  short working day of 5 hours and offer £70 for 25 hours per week.  Start in end of Jan/Feb 2011.
Families in the Irish Republic.
MARIE MAL and her husband and 2 children aged 5 years and 10 months live in County GALWAY only 8 kms from the CITY CENTRE….GALWAY is the 3rd largest cities in Ireland and is full of younr people…. Driver not needed..but au pair with child care skills is essential – father works in Ambulance and mother is a nurse – need aupair to work 4 long days with 3 day off – offer E 80 per week to start early JANUARY 2011.
LEONA PENand her husband and 2 children aged 2 years and 5 months need a reliable au pair to care for 2 children in their home
which is within commuting distance of Dublin but in the countryside.  They live near KILCOCK and the University town of MAYNOOTH
in County Kildare and Dublin can be reached by local train or bus within 50 minutes…Both parents work so they need a reliable au pair who has reasonable English to look after their children. …prefer au pair to be 21 years plus… Grandparents live in the next house and they have lots of horses and riding would be allowed during free time.  Au pair Plus offer E 150 for 35 hours. EARLY JANUARY 2011

Thème : Overlay par Kaira.
Bat. Apollo, 30 av. Gal Leclerc 38200 Vienne