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Témoignage Noel 2014

Témoignage Noel 2014

Bonjour Sandrine,

Je tiens à vous remercier, vous et toute votre équipe, pour les chocolats.

Nous les avons ouverts aujourd’hui avec Blandine.

C’est très gentil à vous ; nous allons les déguster si possible en anglais 😉

A mon tour de vous souhaiter, au nom de la société, une très belle année 2015, remplie de bonheur, d’amitié et de réussite dans tous vos projets personnels et professionnels (et cela sous le signe d’une bonne santé bien entendu !).

Et merci pour cette année de communication anglaise qui aide nos collaborateurs à se développer et à relever ainsi des challenges internationaux

Bonne soirée .

Equipe des Ressources Humaines

Formation anglais à Vienne 38200 Nov 2014

Formation anglais à Vienne 38200 Nov 2014

En date du 27 novembre 2014, en complément des formations que nous dispensons en entreprise, nous proposons les mini groupes suivants

lundi niveau A2+/ B1-pré intermédiaire à intermédiaire faible de 14h00 à 15h00

mardi niveau débutant: de 09h30 à 11h00

mardi  niveau B1 intermédiaire: de 15h00 à 16h00

mercredi mini groupes enfants/ ados: 2 à 5 enfants par groupe maximum

de 14h30 à15h30 13/14 ans

de 15h30 à16h30 7/8 ans

de 16h30 à 17h30 09/10 ans

jeudi niveau B1 intermédiaire de 14h00 à 15h00

mardi et jeudi niveau B1/B2 intermédiaire/ supérieur preparation TOEIC de 12h30 à 13h30

jeudi niveau A2 pré intermédiaire de 12h15 à13h15

jeudi niveau A1 élémentaire de 17h30 à 18h30

Dans le cas des inscriptions adulte, un test de placement est organisé dans nos locaux afin de déterminer votre niveau. Nous créons aussi de nouveaux groupes tout au long de l’année afin de ne pas excéder 5 participants par groupe.



a happy team

a happy team

Quelques petits clins d’oeil à Mark, Virginia et Sandrine qui vous accueillent dans les locaux de The English Corner à l’espace saint Germain dans une atmosphère conviviale

English teacher wanted Vienne 38200 Nov 2014

English teacher wanted Vienne 38200 Nov 2014

We are recruting an extra teacher to come and join our team. Your job will be to take care of the Kids English classes on Wednesday and a few adult students in the evening. You should be an English native speaker, some experience a plus, you should be flexible, enthusiastic and reactive.
Apply by sending us an e mail via our contact page

cours en Irlande- retour d’une famille du comté de Kerry

cours en Irlande- retour d’une famille du comté de Kerry


Toute la famille reste subjuguée par ces vacances en Irlande.
Les cours ont bien porté leurs fruits.
Mes 2 grands se débrouillent très bien en 6ème et 5 ème.
Clémentine, qui a la chance d'avoir des cours d'anglais en CP, sait déjà construire des petites phrases affirmatives ou des questions pour peu qu'on lui apporte le vocabulaire des mots qu'elle ne connait pas.
Et Claire a réussi son passage devant le jury pour son habilitation. Elle va pouvoir enseigner l'anglais à ses CE2 / CM1.
stages et bourses de mobilité

stages et bourses de mobilité

En supplément des bourses de mobilité offertes par l’Europe telles que Leonardo ou Erasmus, les régions en France participent à l’effort de mobilité des étudiants français

Vous trouverez ci dessous un lien intéressant concernant les offres de bourse de la région Rhone Alpes notamment. Les demandeurs d’emploi, lycéens, apprentis ou étudiants peuvent bénéficier d’une bourse de mobilité alors contactez vos régions



témoignage d’une famille française en stage de langue dans l’ouest irlandais

témoignage d’une famille française en stage de langue dans l’ouest irlandais

Nous voila de retour de notre périple en Irlande!
Tout s’est merveilleusement bien passé : les enfants ont pu tirer profit au maximum de leur cours d’anglais; le B&B conseillé par votre organisme était absolument super à tous points de vue; tout était parfaitement organisé (navette de l’école en face du B&B, cours…) et pour ne rien gacher, le Kerry est un endroit magnifique.
Bref, je tenais à vous dire que nous sommes ravis et que je ne manquerai pas de vanter les avantages de cette formule!
Bonne fin de journée,
Sophie L and family

Au pair families in London, available as to 20/06/2012

Au pair families in London, available as to 20/06/2012

Please contact us via our contact page if yu are keen on one of these families: www.theenglishcorner.fr

Charlotte H and her family live in Wimbledon, the home of English tennis!   Charlotte works in a hospital as a consultant paediatrician and her husband works in management.  They are a British family, Anglican.  They live in a house with a garden where they have two rabbits.  Their sons will be 14 and 16 in the summer.  The older boy goes to and from school on his own so the job for the au pair is to take and collect the younger boy to school on foot.  Cooking a simple meal  for the boys after school, helping to keep the home clean and tidy, doing the children’s laundry, hoovering.   Generally 25 hours a week plus 2 evenings’ babysitting and the pocket-money is £70 a week plus £10 a week for travelling expenses in London.  Family interests are: tennis [naturally!], music, singing, trips into Central London, cycling and cooking.    They need an Au Pair to arrive in late-August/beginning of September and to  stay until the end of July 2012.


Susan L is a single parent living in North London [Southgate].  She has two sons age 10 and 9 and a cat.  Susan works full time as a new business director.   It is a regular 25 hours a week plus some babysitting [not a lot],  very light domestic jobs because a woman goes in to do the heavy cleaning every week.   They live in a house with a garden.  Pocket-money £70 a week plus free weekend travel in London.   Weekends free.    They would love to host an au pair who enjoys cooking.   To start at the beginning of September and to stay until the end of July 2013.


Simon W and Lizzie T live in a large house with a garden in Muswell Hill, a nice part of North London.  They are an English family, practising no religion.  Their children are Sam 15, Georgina 14 and Anna 12.  They have a rabbit and a hamster J    They employ a woman who does regular cleaning so there is not much housework, just generally to help to keep the home clean and tidy and to perhaps do some light shopping and unpack the food deliveries.    The main job for the au pair is to organise the children’s lives and cook them an evening meal  because both parents work full time.  Simon is in corporate finance and Lizzie is an employment lawyer.   25 hours a week plus 1 or 2 evenings’ “babysitting” and the pocket-money is £85 a week.  She will have her own bathroom.

To start in late-August/beginning of September and to stay until the end of July 2013.


Hilary M and Eamonn R live in a large house in Barnet, N. London with their two children Caelan [a boy] age 9 and Siofra [a girl] age nearly 8.  These are Irish names because Hilary and Eamonn came to London from Ireland many years ago.  Hilary works as a medical doctor and Eamonn is a journalist.   They both work full-time.   They are a Catholic family.   They have no pets.  Their au pair is responsible for getting the children ready for school in the morning and taking them to school.  Then to collect them and care for them after school until a parent returns home.   They also need help to keep the home clean and tidy [a woman goes regularly to the house to do the heavy cleaning].   They pay £80 a week plus travel expenses [in London] and a mobile phone.

Familles à Londres, en date du 20/06/2012

Familles à Londres, en date du 20/06/2012

Voici une partie des familles disponibles sur Londres

Si vous êtes intéressée pour partir au pair, merci de nous contacter par le biais de notre page contact sur www.theenglishcorner.fr

Charlotte H and her family live in Wimbledon, the home of English tennis!   Charlotte works in a hospital as a consultant paediatrician and her husband works in management.  They are a British family, Anglican.  They live in a house with a garden where they have two rabbits.  Their sons will be 14 and 16 in the summer.  The older boy goes to and from school on his own so the job for the au pair is to take and collect the younger boy to school on foot.  Cooking a simple meal  for the boys after school, helping to keep the home clean and tidy, doing the children’s laundry, hoovering.   Generally 25 hours a week plus 2 evenings’ babysitting and the pocket-money is £70 a week plus £10 a week for travelling expenses in London.  Family interests are: tennis [naturally!], music, singing, trips into Central London, cycling and cooking.    They need an Au Pair to arrive in late-August/beginning of September and to  stay until the end of July 2012.


Susan L is a single parent living in North London [Southgate].  She has two sons age 10 and 9 and a cat.  Susan works full time as a new business director.   It is a regular 25 hours a week plus some babysitting [not a lot],  very light domestic jobs because a woman goes in to do the heavy cleaning every week.   They live in a house with a garden.  Pocket-money £70 a week plus free weekend travel in London.   Weekends free.    They would love to host an au pair who enjoys cooking.   To start at the beginning of September and to stay until the end of July 2013.


Simon W and Lizzie T live in a large house with a garden in Muswell Hill, a nice part of North London.  They are an English family, practising no religion.  Their children are Sam 15, Georgina 14 and Anna 12.  They have a rabbit and a hamster J    They employ a woman who does regular cleaning so there is not much housework, just generally to help to keep the home clean and tidy and to perhaps do some light shopping and unpack the food deliveries.    The main job for the au pair is to organise the children’s lives and cook them an evening meal  because both parents work full time.  Simon is in corporate finance and Lizzie is an employment lawyer.   25 hours a week plus 1 or 2 evenings’ “babysitting” and the pocket-money is £85 a week.  She will have her own bathroom.

To start in late-August/beginning of September and to stay until the end of July 2013.


Hilary M and Eamonn R live in a large house in Barnet, N. London with their two children Caelan [a boy] age 9 and Siofra [a girl] age nearly 8.  These are Irish names because Hilary and Eamonn came to London from Ireland many years ago.  Hilary works as a medical doctor and Eamonn is a journalist.   They both work full-time.   They are a Catholic family.   They have no pets.  Their au pair is responsible for getting the children ready for school in the morning and taking them to school.  Then to collect them and care for them after school until a parent returns home.   They also need help to keep the home clean and tidy [a woman goes regularly to the house to do the heavy cleaning].   They pay £80 a week plus travel expenses [in London] and a mobile phone.

Thème : Overlay par Kaira.
Bat. Apollo, 30 av. Gal Leclerc 38200 Vienne