Au pair in Jersey

Jersey is located off the coast of Normandy/ Brittany but is a British isle.

The brief job description is as follows:

Host family – Au pair (Live in) driver, reasonable English for family with 3 kids:  2 girls age 12 and a 15 month baby (baby goes to nursery everyday) and 1 boy age 13 years.  The older children are very independent and fun to be around. The family live on a farm close to a beach near St Martins in Jersey, Channel Islands.  Duties include: extra pair of hands and help to take the pressure of the parents, occasional babysitting on the odd weekend, occasional cooking, helping with kitchen duties i.e. keeping the kitchen clean, unloading and stacking the dishwasher, some clothes washing, ironing and putting clothes away, keeping the kids rooms tidy (they already have a cleaner that comes twice a week), help with looking after the kids and taking them to the beach, preparing evening meals, supervising kids homework.  Pocket money: £80 for 30 hours work per week.  The father is a self employed farmer in agriculture and his partner works part time for the Royal court in Jersey.

START DATE: Beginning of June for 9-12 months

If you are interested in this position please fill in the au pair application that you will find in the how to apply section on or contact us so that we can send you the form

Thème : Superposition par Kaira.
Bat. Apollo, 30 av. Gal Leclerc 38200 Vienne